Adult Art class
  Minhwa : Korean folk art, watercolor Drawing Painting
Class fee: 2 Hours - $ 25+tax
Adult : 2 Hours - $ 100+tax (4weeks) or $ 125+tax (5weeks)
Less 4 times lessons a month $30 + tax (Each time)

You'll get a chance to start art that will bring joy to your normal life.
평범하게 살아왔던 삶에 즐거움을 담을 수 있는 아트를 시작할 수 있는 기회를 드립니다.


 Gallery Owner : Sungmi Kong(Sunny) 289.838.2820 email :
Location : Rainbow Studio Galley &Café - 364 Sixteen Mile Dr. Oakville, ON  © All rights reserved. Since 2018