Drop off original artworks at Rainbow studio at until 5pm Dec 6th 2024 (364 sixteen miles Dr Oakville ON)


Explanation for the "Light and Lightness" Theme

The theme "Light and Lightness" invites young artists to explore the different meanings and dimensions of these two concepts. In this juried show, artists are encouraged to interpret light and lightness in their own unique ways, whether visually, emotionally, or conceptually.

  • Light: This can be understood as physical light—sunlight, moonlight, artificial light—or as symbolic light, representing hope, knowledge, and enlightenment. Artists may choose to portray the beauty of light in the natural world, experiment with how light interacts with color and form, or explore the idea of illumination in a more abstract or spiritual sense.

  • Lightness: This word can refer to a lack of weight, like floating, flying, or a sense of physical freedom. Alternatively, it can evoke emotional lightness, such as joy, playfulness, or relief from burden. Artists may depict lightness in both physical forms—such as the movement of air, water, or wings—or in emotional contexts, such as the lightness of laughter or freedom from stress.

The combination of light and lightness provides a broad spectrum for creativity. Artists might choose to emphasize one element over the other, or they might create works that balance both. They can explore the contrast between light and dark, heaviness and weightlessness, or even use light as a metaphor for emotional or psychological release.

Through this theme, young artists are encouraged to think deeply about how these ideas influence their lives and environments, and to translate those reflections into visual art.

Apply fee is $20 to : Kongsungmi@gmail.com

Dominique Prévost
was born in Québec City and now resides in Oakville. She has shown extensively in the GTA since the early 80’s and her work can be found in many collections here and abroad. Three times recipient for Best Watercolour Award at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, she is a Board Member of the Burlington Fine Arts Association, a Member of the Ontario Society of Artists and a Member of Propeller Gallery.

Dominique’s artworks are atmospheric abstracted landscapes. They are assemblages showcasing changing light, organic patterns, and stylized structures. Each artwork is composed of multiple painted and manipulated surfaces that evoke the perception of depth and space. Dominique uses watercolour, acrylic, ink, crayons and found material on a wide variety range of papers; ranging from exquisite handmade Japanese Washi papers and classical European watercolour papers, to utilitarian papers.
In the works, many patterns are at play. They are the ones found in our veins, rivers, trees and skies.Lino printing and Japanese Suminagashimarbling techniques, are used to makevisible the connections of what’s above, below and within.


Vanessa Cress Lokos
is an award winning Burlington artist, recently focusing on contemporary figurative painting using traditional glaze oil techniques. She loves to travel and observe how others live, work and interact in their surroundings. Irony, playfulness and the unexpected are often conveyed in her work.
The artist has studied, exhibited and sold internationally. Her work can be found in private and corporate collections in Canada, Australia and Barbados. She has a BA with a Concentration in Visual Arts from the University of Ottawa and has been exhibiting regularly since 2009.
As an active member of the Burlington Fine Arts Association and the Canadian Glaze Oil Society, Vanessa has assisted in curating and organizing many local art exhibitions.
Additionally she is a member of the Ontario Society of Artists, the Arts and Culture Council of Burlington, and Hamilton Artist Inc.





Please write information and attach the back.  
 Artist Name : - Title :
- Size : - Material :
- Email address : - Cell phone no:
- Grade and School :

Be sure to tie a wire behind your painting.

 Gallery Owner : Sungmi Kong(Sunny) 289.838.2820 email : kongsungmi@gmail.com   https://www.instagram.com/sungmi.kong/
Location : Rainbow Studio Galley &Café - 364 Sixteen Mile Dr. Oakville, ON 
www.rainbowstudio.ca  © All rights reserved. Since 2018