Theme : Peace and prosperity
Category Elementary grade 2-5
1st award $100 Gift card
2nd $ 50 Gift card
Honorable Mention $ 25 Gift card
Category Elementary grade 6-8
1st award $100 Gift card
2nd $ 50 Gift card
Honorable Mention $ 25 Gift card
Category High school grade 9-12
1st award $100 Gift card
2nd $ 50 Gift card (2 students)
Honorable Mention $ 25 Gift card (2 students)
University and emersing artist
1st award $100 Gift card
2nd $ 50 Gift card
Honorable Mention $ 25 Gift card
People's choice 2 artists $25
Submit deadline : May.13.2024
Rainbow studio director Sungmi Kong
: 2024 Together Show information and Comments:
"Rainbow Roof Gallery" is a non-profit organization supporting culture and art.
The "Canada-Korea, Together Show" is an annual art exhibition celebrating the collaboration and friendship between Canada and Korea, where artists from both countries come together to share and celebrate culture and art.
The theme of the "2024 Together 2nd Show" is "Peace and Prosperity," aiming to commemorate the 61 years of enduring partnership between Canada and Korea, with future goals of understanding, cooperation, cultural development, and prosperity.
We hope for the exhibition to be a cultural event where local residents can enjoy, feel, and experience together.
Unfortunately, most cultural exchange exhibitions are held in large cities like Toronto and Vancouver. However, the "2024 Together 2nd Show" in Oakville, a beautiful suburban city in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), provides a cultural exchange platform easily accessible to Korean immigrants and local residents in western Ontario. This adds more significance, and even Mr. Kim Deuk-hwan, the Consul General of Korea who visited last year's 'Together' exhibition, expressed pride in this fact.
Furthermore, with the support from the Oakville Art Council's grant, professional artists participating in the exhibition will open art workshop classes during the exhibition period, providing local residents with opportunities for education and artistic creation.
Moreover, by exhibiting the results in local cultural spaces, it will grow into a joyful art platform where people can experience art and culture.
All participating artists in the exhibition plan to donate 25% of the proceeds from the sale of their works to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, demonstrating how the influence of artists can benefit the local community.
Through this exhibition, we hope to create an event where artists and local residents can understand each other better and culturally enrich and grow together.
Rainbow Roof gallery는 문화와 예술을 지원하는 비영리 단체입니다.
' Canada - Korea, Together Show '는 캐나다와 한국의 협력과 우정을 기념하는 연중 미술 전시회로서, 양국의 아티트들 문화와 예술을 함께 나누고 기뻐하는 전시회입니다.
“ 2024 Together 2nd Show ”의 주제는 “평화와 번영”으로서, 캐나다와 한국의 61년 동안 지속된 두 나라의 파트너쉽은 이해와 협력, 문화발전과 번영을 나아가기위한 미래적인 목표를 갖고있습니다.
지역 주민들과 함께 즐기고, 느끼고, 체험 할 수있는 문화 전시회가 되기를 희망합니다.
아쉽게도 대부분의 문화 교류 전시회가 토론토와 밴쿠버와 같은 큰 도시에서 개최되고 있지만, GTA의 아름다운 외곽 도시인 Oakville에서 개최되는 “2024 Together 2nd Show”는 서부 온타리오에 거주하는 한국인 이민자와 현지 주민들에게 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 문화 교류의 장을 제공하게 되어 더욱 의미가 있으며, 작년 'Together' 전시회를 방문한 김득환 한국 영사님 또한 이 사실에 자부심을 표현하셨습니다.
또한, Oakville Art Council 에서 지원받은 Grant를 사용하여 전시회 기간 동안, 전시회에 참여한 프로페셔널 화가들과 함께 Art workshop 클래스를 오픈하여,
지역 주민들에게 교육과 작품 창작의 기회를 참여할 수 있는 예술 전시회가 될것으로 기대가됩니다.
뿐만 아니라, 그 결과물을 지역 문화 공간에 전시함으로써 예술과 문화를 경험할 수있는 즐거운 아트 플랫폼으로 성장할 것입니다.
이번 전시회를 통해 우리는 아티스트와 지역 주민들이 서로를 더 이해하고, 문화적으로 더욱 풍요로워지고 성장할 수 있는 전시회가 되기를 바랍니다.
전시회에 참여한 모든 아티스트들은 기간중 판매된 작품의 25%의 수익금을 Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital에 기증을 할 예정이며, 예술가들의 영향이 지역사회의 도움이 될 수 있음을 보여주게 될 것입니다. |
Opening reception's Schedule
1. Greeting : Rainbow Roof Gallery member
President : Sungmi Kong, Vice President Bomi Ko, Treasurer : Jieun Song |
2. Celebration music
Singer : Nicole Silkova grade 11(Iroquois ridge high school)
Over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
Imagine Song by John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one |
Jurors introduction and Award announcement |
Dominique prévost
Dominique’s artworks are atmospheric abstracted landscapes. She has shown extensively in the GTA since the early 80’s and her work can be found in many collections here and abroad.
Vanessa Cress Lokos
Vanessa uses to create contemporary figurative oil paintings
She is an award winning artist from Burlington, Ontario, and a member of the Ontario Society of Artists. Her work can be found in private and corporate collections in Canada, Australia and Barbados.
Both Jurors were Burlington Fine Arts Association(BFAA) Co-President 2017-2018
Terms of Entry |
Terms of Entry
1. This exhibition showcases for local youth and armature artists.
2. Works that are for sale are subject to only 25% commission fee to Trafalgar hospital donate.
3. $20 entry fee is non-refundable.
4. Artists can submit 1 artwork. (maximum width : 30 inches).
5. Artworks in any medium.
(i.e. painting, drawing, photography, mixed media, 2D and *3D)
6. Be sure to have either 2 D-rings attached vertically on the back frames, or attached and wired horizontally with D-rings.
7. Canvases do not need to be framed or galley canvas but must have a secure wire and sides must be painted
8. Works must be exhibition ready, magnets provided for unframed paper works.
9. Completed label information to be attached to the back of the artwork .
(See top and bottom of entry form for label specifics Due date May 10th, 2024 )
10. Rainbow studio will not be responsible for works left at QEPCCC.
11. Artworks to be delivered at Rainbow studio gallery April May 23th , 12-2pm on Thursday , 2024 .
12. Artists will upload high quality (300 dpi) images and label information before May 13th, 2024
13. Rainbow roof gallery allows photography of artwork on display.
14. Rainbow studio is permitted to use images of selected artwork for promotional and printed materials.
15. Rainbow studio is not responsible for the security of any work displayed on the premises.
Any items deemed lost, stolen, damaged or missing are the sole responsibility of the submitting artist.
Each participating artist: $ 20 Entry Fee method of payment provided.
E-transfer : kongsungmi@gmail.com
Each participating artist: $ 20 Entry Fee method of payment provided
❑ E-transfer kongsungmi@gmail.com
Important Dates |
Drop-off : May 23, 1-3pm on Thursday , 2024
Opening reception : May 25, 1PM on Saturday , 2024
Take down & Pick up : August 30th,2-4pm on Friday , 2024
Gallery hours : Monday-Friday 12-5 pm, Saturday 12-5 pm , Sunday - 12-5pm
Please write information and attach the back. |
- Artist Name : |
- Title : |
- Size : |
- Material : |
- Email address : |
- Cell phone no: |
- Any mention :
Be sure to tie a wire behind your painting.